We obtain information from public records. If you believe that the public record itself is incorrect, you will need to contact the public agency to seek a correction, since we cannot correct this for you.
If you believe that our report incorrectly states what the public records show or that our report incorrectly states anything other than a public record, you can have us reinvestigate our report by contacting our Consumer Relations Department via telephone at 844-263-5388 or via fax at 832-834-4132
We do not make decisions for anyone based on our reports, and we are not involved in making employers’ hiring decisions. If you believe that a report we provided to an employer was correct, but disagree with the decision being made based on it, you will need to contact the employer who used the report.
You have the right to make a request to our consumer reporting agency: BackgroundConnect (“Agency”), 2500 Tanglewilde # 496 Houston, Texas 77063, (832) 834-3958, upon proper identification, to obtain copies of any reports furnished to your prospective employer by the Agency and to request the nature and substance of all information in our files on you at the time of your request, including the sources of information. BackgroundConnect will provide a complete and accurate disclosure of the nature and scope of the investigation covered by any investigative consumer report(s). We will also disclose the recipients of any such reports on you which the Agency has previously furnished within the two year period for employment requests, and one year for other purposes preceding your request (California three years).
To ask for a disclosure, please contact our consumer relations department by telephone at 844-263-5388 FREE, by fax to 832-834-4132, or by mail to BackgroundConnect; Attn: Consumer Relations Department; 2500 Tanglewilde # 496 Houston, Texas 77063. Please make sure to include a telephone number where we can contact you, so that we can help you identify all of the information that you are requesting.